I sat down to write about our wonderful Fourth of July weekend and post a few pictures of all of the fun but........
I am tired.
After being banned from driving for the past seven weeks, I have been given permission to venture out, as of last Monday, and take short, local trips - I am a girl on a mission: I have errands to run. Walmart, Target, the Post Office, the Library- have missed me.
Today we decided to squeeze in a trip to the post office, The Community Storehouse, and a local resale shop before naptime. After naps we did a litte shopping at the mall with my sisters. Five children- four and under- three strollers-two dashes to the bathroom-seven trips on the elevator- one snugglie- and three pair of jeans later- will leave you a little drained. We grabbed a quick dinner with the crew- add Jason and John and then headed home for bed. Unfortunately two hours after bed time I'm still fighting people to go to sleep. Eli and Beaux began sharing a room a few night ago and let's just say,"It is the best of times, it is the worst of times." They are enjoying a mini-slumber party every night- the problem lies when eventually Eli wants to slumber and Beaux wants to continue the party. Eli just came in my room crying because, "She won't stop singing Mama. She just keeps singing Flintstones, meet the Flintstones-over and over and over again." That might be enough to make me cry too. We are all a little tired around here. After our busy day, in the 110 heat index, we might be a little cranky too. Bottom line- we all need a good night's sleep. We will all feel better after we get a little rest.
Right Beaux? (Please don't wet the bed tonight.....)
Right Eden? (Please don't chose tonight to make a stand and cry
for that paci...)
Is it to late too book a hotel room around here?
We're tired, too. Well, I am. Nobody else is trying to convince Addie at midnight that she should really go to sleep, and nobody else is getting up with her at 7 when she decides the party should start again.
And this isn't encouraging, but Caiden and Grayson still have a party every night, and Caiden still gets annoyed at Grayson for singing to him, too. Sorry :)
I love reading your post. They make me laugh. I remember those days of no sleep. Now I'm in a different stage of why I am tired. It's because I'm arguing all day with two boys who won't take no for an answer. I loved the picture of all the kids together. They are adorable. Love and miss you guys.
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