Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No show tunes this time, I promise

As promised, a few more pics of our summer adventures....
-Fourth of July Style-

This is one good looking gang. Now where they are looking I'm not exactly sure, but you try getting five kids four and under to look at the camera. I like that this picture actually captures the moment. CHAOS! But check out those dresses. These were a part of Jessica's craftiness and handiwork. She and Georgia came over one afternoon and we worked on sewing up these cute little numbers. I say we- Jessica and Georgia did most of the sewing and I did more of the ironing. We all have our gifts! The dresses and the girls were darling. Poor Eli, so outnumbered.

Always smiling. Always.

Maybe not fun...but a first. Sweet, precious, cautious, little Gracie Rae's first black eye. A slip down the stairs caused a few tears and a nice shiner. Thank you Lord my children had nothing to do with the tumble. They were innocent- this time.
My dad must be so proud of his daughter's athletic abilities!

I think he could take Georgia, Jessica, or his mother any day.

Yes John, I did get a picture of your patriotic attire. You and my mom look really good!

This is the sign of a great time. Either that or this is a sign of I need a little break.

1 comment:

The Tollett Family said...

Love the pictures. They are too cute. I can't believe Gracie Rae got a black eye:( Looks like you all had a good time.

Moments to good to forget.....