Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Highway to the Danger Zone......

My camera is broken.

The story of it's destruction is another post altogether. Let's just say the little boy who knocked it onto the concrete- after being warned not to mess with the things in the trunk because it might knock the camera onto the concrete- survived only because it was his fifth birthday. He is so lucky you receive an extra measure of grace on your fifth birthday. Nonetheless, the camera is inoperable, I looking for a new lens, and I feel like I missing an appendage without my memory capturing friend. So I have decided to use this cameraless opportunity, to go back and weed through some old photos and reminisce. I think I'll post a few of the highlights over the past weeks - starting with party pics from Eli's Birthday.

Note: the pictures you are about to see are pre-needing that extra, extra, extra, measure of birthday grace.

With our army themed party and dressed in his fatigues, he does look a little
like Tom Cruise doesn't he? Maybe a little Top Gun?


georgia said...

Still no camera. You can borrow my second lens any time you need it. Oh, Eli ...I'm so glad it was your birthday!

The Tollett Family said...

He looks so cute! I don't believe he could break a camera. What a handsome guy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like he had a great birthday. Cute pictures.

Moments to good to forget.....