Dear Eli, Beaux and Eden,
When you remember the last months of 2010,
please know your mother did not go crazy.
I was not temporarily snatched by the hands of insanity.
Your father did not lock me away in a room with padded walls.
I did not go crazy, but I did something very close....I moved.
December 15th 2010, I drove away from our
little red brick house with tears in my eyes.
I was leaving our first home. Each square foot of that house held beautiful memories.
But as I drove away, my sentimentally was not my only reason for tears. I was also crying because I had no place to go. Yes, we had moved out of our home, but had not yet purchased another. Over a thee week period lived...
One night in a hotel
Two nights with Lin and Wayne
Two nights with Georgia and Jason
One night at the Gaylord
One nights with Lin and Wayne
Two nights with Georgia and Jason
One night with Lin and Wayne
Five nights with Mom and Dad
One nights with Lin and Wayne
Six nights in extended day
And the cherry on top of this sundae... it was Christmas.
It is now January 30th 2011 and I am finally feeling as if sanity is in my grasp. I still have boxes to unpack and toothbrushes to find, but all in all, we are starting to feel settled. October, November, and December, are a little bit of a blur. But even in the midst of complete chaos- wonderful things happened. Birthdays, family trips, nights at home, fall leaves, Christmas cookies- things that must be remembered. Thankfully a picture is worth a thousand words. So I'm going to let these photos do the talking for the past few months.
PS~ I erased the picture of me being checked into the insane asylum...
Here we go.....
Daddy got you out of bed on this fall night to show you the giant web and spider.
(I stood far away- someone had to take the picture:)
The Jedi Order.
We will turn you to the dark side.
(Aniken's mother for those not cool enough to be apart of the Star Wars world.)
"This party wasn't too lame. I mean she did make me wear that Yoda costume,
but at least we got hot dogs, marshmallows, and cake."
The whole cast.
I love you Luke Skywalker.
The Whitesboro Peanut Festival. A weekend spent here helps me
understand why people love small towns.
I think the t-shirt says it all, "I went nuts at the Whitesboro Peanut Festival."
A beautiful night and a beautiful girl.
This is how a man rides the carousel.
I think she likes it.
But you be the judge.
What festival would be complete without face painting.
And the line we waited in ~ a 45 minute line.
Totally worth it.
It was a great day.
And then there was a little vacation.
The entire Goodman clan climbed aboard a carnival cruise to celebrate
my Grandparents 80th birthdays. What a way to celebrate.
Do you think the people lounging around the pool got a refreshing splash?
Who doesn't want to ride a huge waterslide while sailing on an enormous cruise ship.
The kids rode this water slide no less than 62 times- a piece.
We had such a great time with Chloe.
This girl knows how to have a good time.
A great man with his great, great grandson.
And we can't forget baby Nora. Only a few months old,
and already a world traveler.
What I love about this photo is that it is in no way staged.
This is what happens to a four year old little girl after a little beach and sun.
She literally fell asleep in 24 seconds.
This was the trip of a lifetime. Even if our grandparents were lost in
Mexico for a brief time.
For future trips, Pa~ If the waitress on the ship says you may disembark. That doesn't mean you have to disembark. Next time wait for your family so we don't have to come rescue Granny in a foreign country.
And just in case in the future we are looking at these and the question comes up,
"Where's Eden?"
The answer is ~ Eden was at home with a very brave
aunt Georgia, Granny, and Daddy.
I broke my heart to leave her behind, but......
She would have cramped our style. Eli, Beaux, and I had some serious playing in the sand to do. We just wouldn't have looked as cool changing dirty diapers on the beach.
Float like a butterfly...
Sting like a bee.
Boxing matches....
Just a normal Tuesday night at the Barnes house.
My champion.
One slide, thousands of leaves, a really great day.
"Brother, you taught me everything I know."
"Playing outside can be hard work."
The end.
The employees must watch their hands before returning
to work really doesn't apply around here.
Santa.... I'll save one for you.
Merry Christmas.
A little glimpse of Christmas morning. Thank you Georgia for visiting your in-laws a few days before Christmas. We really appreciate you letting us have your home and tree!
Sisters playing dollhouse together. I love it.
Georgia, it's not a Barbie Salon, but they do like it.
"I probably shouldn't be touching this... but I'm just so cute I can get
away with almost anything."
"Grandpa, are you sure you know how to put this thing together?
I could always help if you need a hand."
"I never doubted you for a minute."
Diane's Winter Wonderland.
This is a good lookin' family.
John got so excited watching the kids open all their gifts he just passed out.
All the anticipation took it right out of him.
Don't you love when your Nana gives you great, big, gigantic
presents to take back to your house?
It was a little cold, but what is Christmas without walking through the lights at Rhema?
My favorite part of this picture is Georgia's face. I don't know about you, but it doesn't really look like she's feeling the Christmas spirit. But then again, what kind of spirit is John feeling in this picture?
These 81 snapshots sum up the last three months of 2010.
I'm excited about the hundred of new snapshots that will fill 2010
But I don't want any snapshots of moving.
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!New pictures. I loved them all. Mom
You've finally filled in the blanks. I'm especially glad I don't have to see Eden crying any more.
Great pictures! I feel like we are finally caught up on your life. I do want to see house pictures. Hope you guys get settled soon. I will be moving to TX in June. Yay!!
Great Pictures! I can't believe you got all that in one blog post. About the last was really, really cold, I was coming down with the flu, and I had to wear the last closet in moms closet. Enough said. - georgia
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