Tuesday, September 8, 2009

To me....

Just because it doesn't feel right, doesn't mean it's wrong.

I am so thankful the Lord created us with the capacity to feel. We know elation as we walk down the aisle to say "I do". We experience wonder as we hold a new born baby in our arms. We understand happiness when we laugh with dear friends. We know delight as we watch our children grow. We walk through sorrows that cause us to cling to the Father. We have seasons of sadness that make us thank God for the wonderful relationships he has put in our life to pull us through. I am so thankful God gives us the opportunity to feel excited, delighted, joyful, silly, jubilant, ecstatic; even the chance to experience sadness, disappointment, discouragement, impatience, and anger- because these feelings leave us feeling alive. Our emotions are a beautiful gift which connect us to God.

Emotions are a powerful force to be reckoned with. There depth, there passion, and there strength must be examined. There are points when we can not simply trust our feelings. There are times when our emotions can lead us astray. What feels right can be wrong. Conversely, what feels wrong can be right. But thankfully we don't have to go completely mad trying to decide if our feeling are correct or incorrect- we don't have to solely rely on our emotions to guide us through this life. The Lord gives us his Spirit to lead us.

These things I have spoken to your while abiding with you. But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring you to remembrance of all that I have said to you.
John 14: 25-26.

But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak of his own initiative. But whatever He hears, He will speak. And He will disclose to you what is to come. John 16:13

Although we must often differentiate between the prompting of the Spirit, and our feelings; we have confidence when we seek to hear the Spirit - He will always guide us to truth. I love that the verse says "He will disclose to you what is to come." When the Spirit begins to lead us in a certain direction... we must remember- the Spirit trumps our feelings.
Just because it doesn't feel right, doesn't mean it's wrong.

I am certain it didn't feel right as Isaac placed his son on the alter.
I am certain it didn't feel right as Moses' mother placed her tiny baby boy in a basket on the river.
I am certain it didn't feel right as Jacob forgave his brothers who had stripped him and left him for dead.
I am certain it didn't feel right as Peter stepped onto the stormy sea to walk to the One who called him.

Just because it doesn't feel right, doesn't' mean it's wrong.
Sometimes we must fight our feelings to hear what God wants us to do. Sometimes we must seek to hear God's voice through his word, or Christ's examples. We must ask the Lord to help us separate from our emotions- and hear his Spirit.

Despite the dangers, I'm so glad for the capacity to feel. Because without the capacity to feel, I would have never "felt" my need for him.


Anonymous said...

Girl I sooooooo needed to hear that:) Hit me close to home sweet friend.. Thanks for sharing!!
Love ya,

The Tollett Family said...

I really needed to hear that. I think that is how I am feeling right now. Letting my emotions make me think we made a bad decision. Thanks for that.

Moments to good to forget.....