Sunday, October 25, 2009

Proverbs 17:22

"A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."

I often remind my children of their need to get a, "Happy Heart." I use this phrase to gently encourage them to get a better attitude or stop the whining. But this morning Beaux embarked on a little introspection of the heart all on her own. The conversation went something like this....

Me: "Beaux do not tell momma ,No, when I ask you to do something. When I ask you do something you say, Yes mam.'
(Imagine Beaux looking highly disinterested in what I am saying.)
Me: "Please look at me while I'm talking to you. Look at my face, does it look happy to you."

(Imagine Beaux looking highly annoyed by my rebuke)
Beaux: "Momma, look at my heart, does it look happy to you."

What could I do besides send her to her room before she saw me giggle. I think the "Happy Heart" challenge is going to apply to me today ~my bones are feeling a little brittle.


Sarah said...

Please, please PLEASE let her marry Grayson. I love that girl :)

The Tollett Family said...

Kids say the cutest things.

Judy said...

Love this post, Bridget. Absolutely love it. The things kids say are priceless.

Moments to good to forget.....