Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I stumbled across this picture as I was doing a little photoshopping today.
I took this picture at my grandmother's funeral.
I love its simplicity and beauty.
I love seeing something so beautiful add brightness
to a day that was so dark.
And as I sit here this morning looking at the flower, I am reminded how a verse in Isaiah promises us, "He will exchange our ashes for beauty."
He will take the charcoal, dust, and ruins I have made of my life, and turn them into something lovely. He doesn't just clean up my mess, he exchanges it for something beautiful. Nothing and no one is beyond repair. The most beautiful One, desires to bestow His beauty on me. Thank you Father for turning my deserts into gardens. You can create something beautiful and bright, from my darkness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so true. Such beautiful words. Mom

Moments to good to forget.....