Sunday, March 14, 2010

Work in progress

In an effort to not only praise but encourage further good behavior,
a few days ago we had a conversation that went something like this:

Me: Daddy, do you know what? Eli is such a great helper to me. He remembers to do his chores. He makes his bed, and feeds the dog. And he always helps me anytime I ask. He is just such a servant.
Dan: I am so glad to hear this. Mom, he really is growing up to be a Barnes' man. Barnes' men are always willing to help others. This is really good news.

As Eli is beaming from ear to ear from the praise and admonishment lavished on him, Beaux is sitting to the side just listening to the exchange. Their is a brief pause and in response to the conversation, we hear Beaux says this:

"Some girls are different."

"Some girls don't really like to help."

"Some girls don't help."

Lord, please help me. I'm going to need some help with this beautiful little girl that I love with all my being. The bright spot, I am confident she is not going to be pressured or easily manipulated. This really is a bright spot, unless you are the momma trying to get her to do what you want.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Now that is funny! (I know, funny to me, but not necessarily to you. Just remember that I have Grayson, and no mother should have both a Beaux AND a Grayson!!)

She does have really beautiful eyes, you know . . .maybe she'll marry somebody who will just do everything for her??

Moments to good to forget.....