Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beating a Sweaty Horse......

I've already complained about the heat.

I blame everything on the heat.

From the paper cut on my finger to the reason I didn't make my bed- I some how justify it using the heat as my reason. The heat has just left me feeling a little lazy lately. The kids and I have been watching Disney Classics in the afternoon, reading tons of books while eating popsicles, and playing Barbies by the fan. But when I muster a little energy, I have been baking. I love to bake. After dinner I love to be in the kitchen stirring and sifting while I watch Dan and the kids wrestle on the floor. Baking is rewarding. When you bake, you usually start with the same basic ingredients - flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, eggs. But depending on the amount, how they are combined, and few extra additions to the staples, you can create something delicious. I've tried a little experimental baking lately, but with experimentation, comes failure. I just couldn't make muffins that tasted like cake doughnuts -I tired, I failed. But when I get it right, well, let's just say my jeans get a little tighter and my face a little happier. But I'm not going to worry about a few extra pounds, the second I step outside, I'll sweat it off anyway.
See I can blame the heat for a positive every once in a while.

My Grandmother's Zucchini Bread recipe, special for so many reasons.

Sweet potential.

1 comment:

Bev said...

Bridgett, I stood today, looking at Sarah's hens and told them, hand over the eggs. I'm going to bake them into something wonderful!

Moments to good to forget.....