Friday, September 18, 2009

Till death do us part.....

Dan and I had the opportunity to do something very interesting last night. We went to watch a live debate between two pastors, mine included, who believe the institution of marriage is one man, one woman, within the confines of marriage, for life. The opposing side was a gentleman who operated a website catering to married men looking to have adulterous affairs; the other woman was a proponent of open marriage - the spouses can engage in affairs as long as they are honest, and share the extramarital relationships with their partner. Did I mention it was very interesting night? I think what fascinated me most was to hear how the two proponents of infidelity justified their actions. A few of their arguments were:

* The institution of marriage is antiquated. In a society where 1 in 3 married men cheat, it may be time to evolve the concept of marriage to address our current culture.
* Likewise, when so many marriages end in divorce as a result of infidelity, why not explore the idea of allowing it, to lower the divorce rate and keep couples together.
* The overriding argument I observed from the evening was this; God's word and law are not the absolutes on defining a happy marriage.
-They tried to disprove the accuracy of the bible, claiming it was written by fallible men.
-They argued there are 613 laws in the bible, many of which we don't adhere to any more-we do eat pork and shellfish these days.
-They contended there are many things we misinterpret about marriage because there is a breakdown in understanding due to the original language.
-They indicated even some of the biblical giants, the pillars of our faith, had more than one wife.

They worked hard to prove their case; I listened closely, not so that I might be persuaded to their side, but to try and understand what had lead these people astray.

Eli, Beaux and Eden,
I can't imagine the world you will live in. Already today, people are alarmingly desensitized and accepting of sin. You can't turn on the television or pick up a magazine without seeing blatant sin, and what is so terrifying, it doesn't even shock us any longer. And with that said, I want you to remember the argument these two amazing pastors brought as you wrestle with the sanctity of marriage in your day:

Ed Young said it perfectly: Marriage was created by God. He is the Author of it. And because He is the creator, he gets to set the rules.
A monogamous marriage is God's best - just because we are sinful creatures; just because 1 in 3 men cheat, just because their are voices in our culture trying to oppose the concept of one man, one woman, in the confines of marriage for life- does not mean adultery should become an accepted practice. God has deemed what is best for marriage, just because we fall short of it, doesn't mean we should lower the standard.

Marriage is a sacred union. "What God has put together, let no man separate."
There is no debate.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I read a blog the other day where the mom wrote a birthday letter to her little boy, and she finished it with saying to him that three things would stand no matter what else happened, that she and his dad would always love God, always love each other, and always love him. I can't think of a better birthday present to give a child. It was especially touching because he has Down Syndrome, and marriage where a special needs child is born have an almost 90% divorce rate--not that many kids in our children's lifetime will have parents who say those three things. Cheers to you and Dan for sticking to what matters most :)

(Totally could've called you, but it's Friday, so I left this as a comment, instead.)

Moments to good to forget.....