I am now apart of the Twlight saga.
I have not read any of the books. I had not seen the first two movies. But I haven't been to the theatre in months and I really wanted some popcorn with artificial butter- so I tagged along to see, Eclipse. Georgia and Jason have seen the first two movies and Jessica and John have not only seen the movies but read the books. Yes, you read that correctly, my burly, constructional engineer, athletic, brother-in-law John has read the Twlight trilogy. After a through synopsis, I settled into my seat not knowing exactly what to expect.
I don't know what to say....... I liked it.
I mean, it was a little captivating. I fell under the team Edward - team Jacob spell. She loves Jacob- and Jacob loves her... but does she really want to become a vampire? She could love the shirtless wolf and remain human... but her heart is drawn to Edward.
(Does this sound as ridiculous as it reads?)
(Does this sound as ridiculous as it reads?)
Twlight may not become a literary classic. Stephaine Myers might not be associated with Shakespeare, Tolkien, or Austen..... but she writes a really good story about loving a vampire. I will see the next movie. I have to know if Bella grows her fangs....
and plus it's another
chance for popcorn with artificial butter.
Sarah and I just talked about this yesterday. Don is a fan (he was the only 59 year old male in the theater...) but anyway we've seen the first three. I'm okay with them, mostly because of the popcorn but I was HORRIFIED that girls about 8-10 years old were there. That was honestly the age bracket that made up the majority of the audience. America is certifiably nuts to send their young daughters to these. Probably 59 year old males are okay to go.
I have read all the books and saw the first two movies and have not had a chance to see the movie. It is killing me. I'm so glad you liked it. I want all my friends to enjoy Twilight because I think it was some of the best books I have read. I am an Edward fan:-)
It's addictive, huh? And, for the record...I'm for Team Jacob. I could never snuggle up to a man who's skin feels like ice. But, then again, I live in PA. You live in TX, and I know it's really hot there...maybe you should be for Team Edward.
Hope you're doing well!
Leslie :)
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